Got two use cases for handling Ansible unreachable hosts. Ansible devs have made it clear that ignore_erros and any_errors_fatal does not handle the unreachable host condition.

So what to do if you want to perform some action when a host is unreachable?

Case 1: Disabling Insecure WinRM on Windows , then proceeding with the playbook.

When you try to disable the insecure WinRM(port 5985) using a modified Ansible remoting script, the connection fails and the play ends on that host. Below is a solution.

- hosts: adserver
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local
    - block:
        - name: test basic auth is working on port 5985
            timeout: 10
        - name: copy winrm setup for ansible
            src: ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1.txt
            dest: C:\users\vagrant\ConfigureRemoteForAnsible.ps1
        - block:
            - name: enable credssp and disable basic auth and port 5985
              win_shell: C:\users\vagrant\ConfigureRemoteForAnsible.ps1 -enablecredssp -disablebasicauth -disableinsecureport
            - debug:
                msg: "Insecure WinRM is now disabled"
        - debug:
            msg: "Insecure WinRM already disabled.. move on!"

        - name: clear any host unreachable error messages.
          meta: clear_host_errors
        ansible_winrm_transport: basic
        ansible_connection: winrm

- hosts: adserver
  gather_facts: no
    ansible_winrm_transport: credssp
    ansible_port: 5986
    - role: manage-hostname
    - role: install-ad
    - role: ad-users-and-groups
    - role: install-rds

Case 2: Got multiple plays affecting the same hosts but need to weed out the unreachables first before running on the remaining plays

This is a theoretical scenario for me. I was wondering how do you weed out all the unreachable hosts at the beginning of the first play and make sure that subsequent plays not to connect to the unreachable hosts.

- hosts: web
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    - block:
        - name: check to see if the port is open
            timeout: 10
            ansible_connection: ssh
        -  name: add devices with connectivity to the "working_hosts" group
            key: "working_hosts"
        - debug: msg="cannot connect to "

- hosts: working_hosts
  gather_facts: no
    - shell: date
    - debug:
        msg: "host  is working"