Pyang is a tool that helps convert, difficult to read, YANG files into readable navigationable web pages and YAML
Network Automation is new hot area in the config management world. When studying network automation, it become clear that deciding on a data model was important. The good people of OpenConfig have spent some time developing a data model that can applied to different switch and router vendors. OpenConfig defines its networking data model using YANG. Unfortunately Ansible cannot use this as a data model language so it needs to be converted to YAML.
Pyang, out of the box, does not provide YANG -> YAML conversion. There is a Pyang Pull Request that provides YAML support. Include this file in a git cloned version of PYang before installing Pyang
git clone
cd pyang
wget -O pyang/plugins/
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist/*
Let’s take a look at how to convert OpenConfig YANG files into navigationable Web pages (jstree) and YAML.
Download OpenConfig YANG files
git clone openconfig
cd openconfig
Run Pyang on files that end with “uses ….”
If you try to run pyang on a file that ends with uses ....
like uses bgp-top
, then Pyang does print anything.
pyang -f tree -p release/models release/models/bgp/openconfig-bgp.yang
module: openconfig-bgp
+--rw bgp
+--rw global
| +--rw config
| | +--rw as oc-inet:as-number
| | +--rw router-id? oc-yang:dotted-quad
| +--ro state
This produces a datamodel in a tree structure. But if you run pyang -p release/models -f tree release/models/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2.yang
you get no output. The ospfv2.yang file does not have a uses ...
at the end of it. The openconfig-bgp.yang
does and is shown below.
module openconfig-bgp {
grouping bgp-top{
uses bgp-top;
List augment files after the main YANG file in the pyang argument string
If you review the following output from openconfig-interfaces.yang
pyang -f tree -p release/models ./release/models/interfaces/openconfig-interfaces.yang
It prints out a tree with only basic interface related info. This info does not include any IP address structures in the data model. If you want to include ip addressing in the data model output then use what is called a YANG augment. Augment files are added at the end of the main YANG file.
So the example would now be
pyang -f yaml -p release/models ./release/models/interfaces/openconfig-interfaces.yang ./release/models/interfaces/openconfig-if-ip.yang
An Augment YANG file contains sections that start with the word augment
. Example:
augment "/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface/oc-if:subinterfaces/" +
"oc-if:subinterface/oc-ip:ipv6" {
"Adds address autoconfiguration to the base IP model";
uses ipv6-autoconf-top;
Use Jstree format to study the datamodel
The Pyang jstree format prints out the YANG model in a easy to read dropdown enabled web page. This definitely decreases the time it takes to understand how the YANG model is structured
Converting YANG into YAML for Ansible consumption
Use the PYang YAML format option to convert a YANG model into YAML
pyang -f yaml -p release/models ./release/models/interfaces/openconfig-interfaces.yang ./release/models/interfaces/openconfig-if-ip.yang
- name: